How Do I Know If I Have Degenerative Disc Disease?
As your spinal discs age, they start to lose the spongy-like nature that makes them so good at absorbing shock and aiding in movement. They begin to lose fluid and dry out, leading to additional stress on bones. As they breakdown, you may experience degenerative disc disease symptoms at or near the area of deterioration.
Symptoms of Degenerative Disc Disease
Common symptoms of degenerative disc disease include:
- Sharp pain when bending, twisting, or sitting
- Pain when walking, running, or changing positions
- Constant pain
- Motion-based pain
- Mild to severe discomfort
- Numbness and weakness
- Tingling
Degenerative disc disease is most common in the neck or lower back, however, symptoms can manifest throughout the body. As the disc degenerates, the vertebrae get closer and closer together, often pinching nearby nerves, signaling pain into the arms and legs. It is important to note that while most individuals over the age of 60 have some level or form of degenerative disc disease, not all cases result in pain.